Shortest Month Writing Challenge 2021
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Ruth Brandt is a Prize winning Writer and Creative Writing Tutor in Surrey. She runs Courses and Workshops in Surrey

Shortest Month Writing Challenge 2021

Whether you want to write sporadically, a little each day, or pursue your magnus opus, I invite you to join me in the Shortest Month Writing Challenge 2021. During February I will provide a writing prompt every day to help you achieve whatever your writing aim.
The prompts can be used to write a piece of flash fiction or poem each day, resulting in 29 flash stories or poems by the end of the month. By the very laws of writing, these can’t all be bad, indeed some will be good and some excellent! Or you could write a sentence. Or string together two or three at a time to come up with a story or poem. Or dip in and out as and when you feel the need for inspiration. And if you are working on a longer piece, the prompts can be used as an anchor for your next chapter or scene. The choice is yours – the more inventive, the more exciting.
I will list the daily prompts here and post them on the Creativity, Inspiration & Muses Facebook group (please ask to join if you’d like to be a member). Feel free to comment on your progress and highs (and lows!) on the Facebook group.
I leave you with the quote I always return to with my writing:
“Write a little every day, without hope, without despair.” Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen
Good luck and, most importantly, enjoy!
Shortest Month Writing Challenge. Whether you wrote every day, sporadically, or just thought creative thoughts about the prompts during February, you are to congratulate yourself. The prompts will remain on my website for the foreseeable, so if you started late, keep going! I have heard from so many of you - a piece a day, one long piece, incorporating the prompts into a novel - from around the country and the world. However you approached the challenge,  congratulations and respect.
Please feel free to share your experiences in my Facebook group Creativity, Inspiration & Muses    If you're not already a member, please ask to join and I'll sign you up.
Day 28 - 28th Feb
Include the sentiment or words - It was over? Really? How could it be over?
And, when you're done, give yourselves a huge clap on the back!
Day 27 - 27th Feb
Include the dialogue - 'Did you order this?'
Day 26 - 26th Feb
Write a piece starting - The hotel in which they stayed was in a little grey side street.
Day 25 - 25th Feb
Write using this photo as a prompt.
Day 24 - 24th Feb
Include a candle and a phone call.
Day 23 - 23rd Feb
Write a piece using this painting as a prompt. Perhaps consider one of the people in the picture - Are they hot, cold, bored? What's their story?
Day 22 - 22nd Feb
Start with the words:
'A period of silence descended on the bedroom...'
Day 21 - 21st Feb
Write a piece set in a confined space such as a lift, cupboard, hiding place, cave ...
Day 20 - 20th Feb
Go to the website what3words and type in the postcode of where you are now or of a favourite place of yours. Use the each of the 3 words that describe your location in your writing today.
If in doubt, or confused and defeated by technology, use the 3 words for the state rooms in Buckingham Palace - Fence, Gross, Bats.
Day 19 - 19th Feb
Visit the WindowSwap website and, from the first window view that comes up, write a piece starting:
Today promised to be ...
(Thanks to Ruth from the Tuesday morning class for this prompt.)
Day 18 - 18th Feb
Write a piece that includes the theme Parenthood and features a Circus and Penknife.
Day 17 - 17th Feb
Write a piece with the title 'Things I have lost'
Day 16 - 16th Feb
Write a piece using this photo.
Day 15 - 15th Feb
Write a piece that includes a red coat and a sign/notice board.
Day 14 - 14th Feb
Include the following:
After a pause, she/he said, 'But I love you.'
Day 13 - 13th Feb
Write a piece set in a cafe or restaurant.
Day 12 - 12th Feb
Include a piece of music.
Day 11 - 11th Feb
Write a piece that includes something hard (texturally hard, not difficult) and something soft.
Day 10 - 10th Feb
The website uses an AI algorithm to generate completely fake faces.
Choose one to write about.
Day 9 - 9th Feb
Write a piece using this painting.
Day 8 - 8th Feb
Write a piece that includes the scents of some food, a flower and a person.
Day 7 - 7th Feb
Visit the PostSecret website and choose one of the secrets . Now write about a character with that secret.
(Many thanks to Ruth from the Tuesday morning class for this prompt.)
Day 6 - 6th Feb
Write a piece set in the spring.
Day 5 - 5th Feb
(Many thanks to Christine R from the Wednesday morning class for this prompt.)
Day 4 - 4th Feb
Use the photo to write from.
Day 3 - 3rd Feb
Write a piece that includes the three prime colours - red, blue, green.
Day 2 - 2nd Feb
Write a piece set on a train
Day 1 - 1st Feb
Start a piece of writing with -
"On Sunday morning, while ..."
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All Images copyright Ruth Brandt