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Ruth Brandt is a Prize winning Writer and Creative Writing Tutor in Surrey. She runs Courses and Workshops in Surrey
Creative Writing Courses
My day courses are suitable for anyone who wants to start writing creatively or those who want to develop their writing skills. The courses run from 10am-3.30pm. During the course you will be encouraged to write your own creative pieces, and feedback and encouragement will be based on each individual writer’s aims and ambitions.
I am always happy to consider running day courses on other creative writing topics or to run any of the courses on additional days. Please contact me if you are interested in either of these and if there is the demand, I’ll run a course.
Face to face classes are held at Horsell Village Hall, Woking, where there is free car park and bike racks for securing bikes.
Online classes are taught through a mixture of written lessons, supported by YouTube videos, and Zoom workshops.
To book or for further information, please email me.
(Replace [at] with @ when typing email address.)

Memoir Writing

Saturday 11 Mar 2023,
Day Course
Face-to-Face Course
Do you want to write about your life but have no idea where to start? Or have you started writing and feel you have lost the plot? This course will help you find a focus to your story, structure your memories and make them come alive on paper. During the day, you will write a number of pieces and be given feedback and advice on how they might be extended or improved.
There is no need to prepare anything in advance. All you need is a computer with access to Zoom video conferencing.
Suitable for all. Please let me know in advance if you have any additional needs.
The course price is £60, non-refundable and payable at the time of booking.
Location - Horsell Village Hall, High Street, Horsell, Woking GU21 4SS
However, as life is becoming more expensive and difficult for many, I am introducing a number of ‘Pay What You Can’ places. If the cost of the course prevents you from joining or means you have to think about missing out elsewhere in your life, please contact me to take advantage of this policy. I don’t need any evidence and my strictest confidence goes without saying.
  • Adult Learning Classes in Surrey.
Created by BuiltByBill - Updated: 14th March 2023
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All Images & text copyright Ruth Brandt (except where noted)