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COURSES - West Dean College
Ruth Brandt is a Prize winning Writer and Creative Writing Tutor in Surrey. She runs Adult Learning Classes at West Dean College.
West Dean College - Creative Writing Courses
I am a short-course tutor at West Dean College, near Chichester, West Sussex. West Dean College is a centre of excellence and a unique place to study. The 19th century house is surrounded by acres of gardens and views of the South Downs, providing wonderful tranquillity and inspiration for writers.
My courses are suitable for writers of all ability levels. Plenty of support and feedback is provided.

Art Inspired Writing

13 - 15 Sep 2024
Prose and poetry written about a work of art, known as ekphrastic writing, has a long tradition, from ‘The Iliad’ to Keats’s ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ and Tracy Chevalier’s ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’. This course will consider the many ways a painting can be used as the source of inspiration for a poem or story, including delving into setting, creating and deepening characters, generating atmosphere, investigating lyrical and figurative language, providing historical detail, and more. Previous knowledge of art or artists is not necessary, but where a student does have such knowledge, this can be called on.
Ruth Brandt is a Prize winning Writer and Creative Writing Tutor in Surrey. She runs Adult Learning Classes at West Dean College.

Flash Fiction Writing

13 - 15 Dec 2024
On this course you will gain a better understanding of how to write a compelling piece of flash fiction, complete stories of fewer than 1,000 words. This includes creating a vivid story world; using sensory detail, metaphor and imagery; exploring character movement; and editing a piece where the feel as well as meaning of every word matters. Through written exercises you will explore each of these areas and discover how they can be used to write a story which is short on words but long on depth.
Working in a supportive, encouraging environment you will give and receive feedback on each others’ work and receive regular feedback and guidance from the tutor. The focus will be on making your flash fiction story as impactful as it can be. There will be plenty of time for independent writing in and around the inspirational College and gardens.
By the end of the weekend you will have developed an understanding of the nature of flash fiction and written and edited several pieces. You will leave with increased writing skills, several completed flash fiction stories and the confidence to write more.
Not yet booking - If you'd like me to let you know when this course starts booking, please email me to join my email list. (You can ask to be taken off at any time!)
Ruth Brandt is a Prize winning Writer and Creative Writing Tutor in Surrey. She runs Adult Learning Classes at West Dean College.
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Ruth Brandt Creative Writer and Tutor
Created by BuiltByBill - Updated:  27 May 2024
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All Images copyright Ruth Brandt